Thursday, March 6, 2008

First release of Internet Explorer 8

Microsoft Internet Explorer 8As I said yesterday, if there will be any other useful information, I will get back to you. So here it is. Microsoft offered it's first public demonstration of it's famous (but not loved) browser, Internet Explorer 8, now in beta 1 version.

Some great features have been added, according to the developers anyway. Things that should have been implemented a long time ago and that others have been using for ages, are now made into sensational by their marketing department. But I guess Microsoft likes to do things at their own speed. I just remember how long they took to implement tabs in Internet Explorer.

If you're asking yourself what this new version of the browser brings, here's short list:
  • WebSlices - users can subscribe to parts of a web page. I'm not sure about this, since I'm not a Mac user (can't afford one), but I've read somewhere that Apple has its own Web-clipping subscription method that is part of Mac OS X.
  • Cascading style sheets 2.1 compliance - no, I'm not kidding. They really said that it would finally be in compliance with standards (at least a few of them)
  • HTML Improvements - like the HTML is the problem. I guess they mean the way the browser treats the HTML files
  • Improved namespace support
  • Platform performance improvements
  • Enhanced protection from deceptive websites - an anti-phishing method that I've seen a lot in Mozilla Firefox and other browsers. Never in Internet Explorer.
  • Domain Highlighting - "highlights the top level domain in the address bar, allowing users to quickly confirm that the website they are visiting is the site they intended to visit". Also on the anti-phishing problem I guess.
And there might be other interesting changes. We might even enjoy using Internet Explorer from time to time. I you would like to give it a try, you can find the Beta 1 here. I already downloaded it and I'm giving it a try. But I'm pretty certain that I won't give up on Firefox for it.