Tuesday, February 19, 2008

About Fresh IT News

This is "Fresh IT News", a project that I have delayed for a pretty long time. I have planned on starting it, but never got the chance to do so, either because of lack of time or lack of self motivation. But now, I have put my mind on it, and I will begin to construct what I hope to become at least a source of information for a few people

Who am I?

Well my name is Stelian Andrei and that will just have to do. I'm from Iasi, Romania and I get bored very fast. That's probably one of the reasons I don't manage to finish what I begin. I'll just hope that this will not be one of those cases. Oh yeah, I also have another blog, The Yoboo, my first blog ever. I still don't know what it's about so I'll just refer to it as a place of "pointless ramblings". Being my first born, I don't plan on abandoning it.

So what is this?

This is a new project I want to develop. As the title already says, it's a blog for news. IT news, technological news, gadgets and who knows what else I'll try to fit in here. Although I'll try to always find the hottest information available, that might not be the case in many situations. Most of the info will probably be gathered from official companies blogs or forums, news aggregators and various other sources. The posts here are aimed to cover any domain that is somewhat related with IT or technology. Anything that seems to be impossible or Sci-Fi will most likely find a nice home in the pages of this blog. And what else can I say? Let the Fresh IT News roll in.

That's it?

Well, what did you expect. I don't have neither the financial potential of the large news companies, neither the time people that earn a living online have. I'll try to be as fast as I can with the information, but I'm sure that more than once, it will seem like I'm the last to know about it. I'll just have to deal with it and try better next time.